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3 Easy Ways Tutors Can Overcome Mental Exhaustion

woman holding her head with her hands looking exhausted
Photo Credit: Pexels - Liza Summers

Tutoring is a rewarding job, but it can be extremely exhausting. Do you sometimes feel depleted? If yes, you are not alone.

Having a busy tutoring schedule, it's not surprising to feel worn out and have no inspiration once in a while. Mental depletion is real. It can make your problems and responsibilities seem like unconquerable mountains.

The good news is there are some strategies you can implement to prevent mental exhaustion.

1. Treat Your Tutoring Business Like a "Real" Business

All tutors start their tutoring businesses to make money. And that is perfectly ok! When you are feeling busy, tired, or exhausted, you need to remember that you have a real business on your hands. Tutors work different hours than your typical 8-5 work. The ability to set your hours is probably the greatest appeal for tutoring yet perhaps your greatest struggle.

Before you know it, you are filling every last waking hour with students and working yourself to the bone. It's time to hit pause and remember that if you were an employee, you would get vacation and sick time. You also get weekends off to be with your loved ones. Shouldn't you, as the CEO give yourself this benefit? And definitely invest in a tool that will help you keep track of your schedule and payments.

2. Practice Saying "No"

You can't succeed when you don't take care of yourself. But so many of us work so hard and forget to give ourselves the space needed to take care of the other important things in our lives. Many of us lack the boundaries needed to say no to ourselves, our students, our loved ones, and our friends. We have to say "no" to whenever it's needed to keep our sanity. Saying "no" is the first step to thriving and succeeding.

You need to be able to tell new interested clients no when you really don't have the space. You need to be able to say no to filling your vacation or holidays with students. Tutors need a break too!

Two women talking. Can't see their faces.
Photo Credit: Pexels - Shvets Production

3. Set Your Price Right

When you charge less than the value you provide, you are leaving money on the table. And that doesn't leave enough space to have a life. If you increase your rate, that means you can continue to bring in the same amount of money in less time. Pricing yourself correctly is one of the best ways to grow your business while taking care of yourself. When was the last time you objectively looked at your tutoring rate? You should be visiting those rates every year to figure out if this rate is helping you reach your financial goals. You can also re-evaluate what you tutor. Finding the perfect niche might justify increasing your rate.

To wrap things up, try to plan your expenses and the amount of money you'd like to bring in but always leave room for breaks for yourself. Set your boundaries, and practice saying no whenever it's necessary. You'll see how your tutoring business will feel much more manageable with less exhaustion.


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